Local Attractions and Events
Belhaven Memorial Museum -- is located in the Belhaven City Hall, which has been placed on the National Register of Historic Places. The Museum began as a private collection by Mrs. Eva Blount Way around the turn of the century. What began as a collection of buttons, grew to include dressed fleas, old coins, shells, early American kitchenware, coffee mills, furniture, old farming tools, Civil War guns, World War I helmets, boots, etc. It's like browsing in grandmother's attic. Open daily except Wednesday, from 1:00 to 5:00 PM, and other times by appointment. Call 919-943-2242, 943-3055 or 943-6817. Closed on major holidays. (Tri-County Telephone)
The Old Atlantic Coastline Railroad Station and Washington Civic Center -- is located in the City of Washington. This restored depot is available for all community events on a rental basis. (Phone 252--975-9316).
Calendar of Annual Events
April --Terra Ceia Dutch Festival
May --Engelhard--Seafood Festival (Call 925-5201)
May --Aurora--Fossil Festival (Call 322-5587)
June --Plymouth--Riverfest '03 (Call 793-4804)
July 4--Belhaven--Parade and Festivities (Call 943-3770)
July (Last Weekend)--Washington--Summer
Festival (Call Chamber of Commerce)
September --Belhaven--Crab
December --Christmas Parades in Bath, Belhaven, and Washington
Current City of Washington Events
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