"Until he extends the circle of compassion to all living things,
Man will not himself find peace." (Albert Schweitzer) Every year millions
of wonderful loving dogs and cats are being killed in animal shelters. These animals
are picked up as strays or brought to shelters by their owners. Some, but very few,
get lucky and get adopted before limited space, manpower, and revenues dictate their
destruction. Society is in a state of denial about the problems of pet
overpopulation. This is a local, state and national disgrace and shame.
MYTH: Makes pets fat and lazy. FACT: Over feeding and lack of exercise causes animals to gain weight and lack energy. A proper diet and exercise will work wonders.
MYTH: Spaying and Neutering cost to much. FACT: It cost less than the cost of having a litter...i.e., veterinarian check-ups, special diet, feeding and medical cost for the kittens or puppies. And don't forget advertising costs, and sitting by the phone waiting for takers. The WORST is what to do with the leftover puppies and kittens before the next litter arrives.
MYTH: They should have one litter before they are fixed. FACT: Having females spayed before their first heat greatly reduces the chance of breast cancer and eliminates the possibility of uterine or ovarian cancer.
MYTH: Just one litter won't hurt. FACT:
The truth is every litter born hurts. Even if you find homes for all the animals,
there are others in shelters and humane organizations that die in the place of the ones
you found homes for. What about the ones you found homes for, especially the
females, what if their people say just one litter won't hurt. Take a trip to
your local shelter and see just how many animals there are from other people who said
"Just one litter won't hurt."
MYTH: I want my children to experience the miracle of birth. FACT:
Should your children also experience death? Your child should learn the value of
animals and the prevention of litters. There are other ways to learn about the
miracle of birth than contributing to the pet population which is out of hand.
MYTH: I want a tough, protective dog. FACT: Altering your
dog will not effect his protective instincts. All dogs want to protect their loving
and caring owners. Male dogs won't be as likly to wander off after a female in heat.
MYTH: Only female's need to be fixed. FACT: It takes two to tango. Once a female is pregnant that all she can do, but the males that caused the pregnancy are still out there causing hundreds more to get pregnant. A neutered male has less chance of developing prostate cancer.
MYTH: But my pet is a purebred. FACT: Not all purebreds
are breeding quality. Leave the breednig to the professional breeders who are
concerned with genetics and proper placement.
When people cannot give these animals away to good homes, what happens
to the ones that do not get abandoned on the side of the road to hit by cars, die of
starvation or disease, or go to shelters ? Well there are some people that
take whole litters of puppies, saying they will find them good homes. Some of these
people are not what they seem to be. If someone offers to take the whole litter, be
careful, request that you deliver the animals to them so you can see how they will be
housed. Ask a lot of questions? If you do not like the answers you get, there
is probably something wrong with the operation. Some of these people who take whole
litters of puppies that are freely given, sell them to other people, who in turn sell them
for research. Research facilities will pay up to $400 dollars for healthy puppies
and dogs. Be sure of who you are giving your pets to.
"He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with
men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals."
(Immanuel Kant)
The month of February is spay/neuter month in Beaufort County, North Carolina. For the entire month both veterinary hospitals voluntarily reduce the cost of spaying and neutering to help reduce the number of unwanted animals born every year. Beaufort County residents can get extra financial assistance if needed from the Humane Society of Beaufort County.
Humane Society of Beaufort County P. O. Box 8 Washington, NC 27889 (919) 946-1591
Pamlico Animal Hospital 3005 John Small Ave Washington, NC 27889 (919)946-2834
Tar River Animal Hospital 902 W 5th St. Washington, NC 27889 (919) 946-2417
Beaufort County Animal Control is currently taking names and addresses for people who would like reminders sent about the spay/neuter clinic. The reminders will be sent in January of 98. To be added to the list you can contact them at:
Beaufort County Animal Control P. O. Box 1027 Washington, NC 27889 (919) 946-4517
If they are never born, they never have to die. Please have your pet spayed or neutered.
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